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错了,抱歉啦(第1/5 页)

最新言情小说小说: 快穿之大佬她无所不能摄政王,王妃只当你是替身我是大专生?看清楚,叫我至尊!带着空间和姐妹在古代享受生活重生,大小姐归来!嫡女重生后,禁欲王爷非她不娶重生911,筑基修为能干啥女尊之禀殿主,主君他持宠路野恶毒心机炮灰女配,她本色出演你和女鬼谈恋爱?那这只狐狸精呢学霸的成神之路关于我的邻居是个精神小妹这件事谁懂啊,刚分手前男友就过来贴贴末世屯物资摆脱圣母诅咒幕后主宰:正派反派都是我!黑莲花女配手撕原着快穿之万人迷路人甲摆烂攻略指南游戏降临:龙国预知一切吓哭全球灵魂归来后,全能大佬马甲掉光光神器召唤人

After breakfast, the other people of the Yang family went to work, today He Yuzhu will go, they do not go to work also have nothing to do, there is only a little boy left in the home, crying don't let He Yuzhu go.

Although the little guy is still young, but also know He Yuzhu good, realize He Yuzhu in time, he can eat a lot of delicious.

He can even be the king of the children, a group of children around him, let him feel high.

So when He Yuzhu was going to leave, he felt as if "the sky had fallen", has been noisy noisy not to let He Yuzhu go.

Yang Xue face a plate, scold said: "Small third son, you are not itching, also quickly let go of your pillar brother, or I will hit you.

I'm on the count of three. One, two, three."

When Yang Xue counted to three, the third son immediately loosened his hand holding He Yuzhu and ran away, looking back from time to time for fear that Yang Xue would catch up.

He Yuzh



